4th cutting!
4th cutting!

4th cutting!

Yesterday we began 4th cutting.  The summer has flown by!

It’s been a busy week for the grandsons.  Farm work never ends!  Earlier in the week they had to help repair a wheel line in the goat pasture.  All 3 boys had to take a turn hammering the clamp!

Wheel line repair 4

Hunter had a very busy day on the farm yesterday.  The twins were busy so couldn’t “go farming.”

He started the day by reading the Fastline magazine which is filled with farm and construction equipment for sale.  Like any farmer worth his salt he found a few things he’d like to buy!


Next he helped his Uncle change the discbine blades so the grass in the fields would cut easily and cleanly.

Hunter helping Uncle Micah change discbine teeth

After lunch he rode with Grandpa in the discbine cutting hay.

Hunter and Grandpa in discbine

A farmer’s work is never done!